NIEM in a Nutshell
- The Big Idea: A common vocabulary across government and partner organizations
NIEM Functional Overview Graphic
How NIEM and Open Referral can work together
- Use NIEM UML to tie your logical model to government systems
- You don’t have to use XML Schema if you don’t want to
- NIEM UML is a technology agnostic, lowest common denominator model which the exchanging parties can build upon, using their preferred technologies (JSON, CSV, web services, linked data, you-name-it)
- Adapter classes in logical model
- A lot of potential tie-ins between I&R and NIEM are at the client data level
- example: Linking human services to Justice is “excarceration”. A community human services agency is notified that a person in the prison system is being freed within 45 days, since they are completing their prison sentence (Orange County, FL is/was building such an exchange). A path from a human services model to a NIEM model would be very useful in such work for harmonizing terminology, before the exchange project even started.
- another example: integration between county funded community behavioral health, schools, and law enforcement. This is a way school shootings can be prevented.
- as the NIEM Human Services Domain, NHSIA, and the NIEM Children Youth and Family Service develop, the potential tie-ins will increase
- HHS Connect in NYC uses NIEM to specify Human Services exchanges
National Human Services Interoperability Architecture
NHSIA Conceptual Model Graphic